“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself”
Background: PVE is governed by a Municipal Code. On a number of occasions one will hear in council that The Municipal Code “shall govern”, “takes precedence” or “prevails”. There have been a number of instances where it did not appear for some major services that city council had not solicited competing bids for safety (police) engineering, and external audit, or made the bids available for public review. Or made the bid selection process more transparent in terms of best value.
Question: Are you familiar with the City Of Palos Verdes Estates Municipal Code? Are you familiar with its direction relative to “Purchasing Systems” which requires a minimum number of bids, solicitation of bids etc.? Will you follow the guidelines of the code?
Michael Kemps
”Yes – I am familiar with the Municipal Code. Section 3.24 of the code governs the purchase of products and services. Products and services in excess of $25,000 require the use of a purchasing system, including requisitions, purchase orders, and contract procedures that require “written contract with the lowest responsible bidder pursuant to the procedure prescribed herein.” I will enforce and follow the guidelines of the code and will equally hold the City Manager and other Councilmembers accountable to do so. Bids for all products and services, whether or not they qualify for open market procedure, must be made available for public review. This includes bids for safety (police), engineering, external audit, and other professional services. As the code requires a written contract with the lowest responsible bidder, the Council is required to properly analyze and select vendor bids that meet this requirement. Placing an effort on responsibility over lowest bid should be recognized.””
Jennifer King
“JENNIFER KING (incumbent)
”Yes, I am familiar with the Municipal Code, I understand what type of products and services are subject to the minimum bid requirement, and I am committed to ensuring that the City continues to follow these guidelines.””
Victoria Lozzi
”My observation is that competing bids are not always obtained when contracting for new services. I think it is in the City’s best interest to obtain multiple bids to ensure it is getting the best value. In addition, there are many existing service contracts that have not been re-bid in several years and need to be reviewed. Whether contracting for new services or reviewing existing contracts, multiple bids ensures that the City is purchasing the most up to date products and services, and also getting the best value for the dollars spent.””
Kevin McCarthy
”I am not familiar with the PVE Municipal Code. This is the first time I have heard there are issues with its application. If elected, I will familiarize myself with the Municipal Code and be sensitive to any discussion and decisions involving the Code. I am familiar with the Request For Proposal (RFP) process and have used it throughout my career. There are exceptions, nevertheless, the process should be ethical and transparent.
In closing I want to clarify my comments. In several of my responses I refer to “soliciting the support of my colleagues.” I just want it to be clear that soliciting their support is not the same as acquiescing. Support is necessary to conduct business. Individually we are just one vote. I would strive to solicit support by articulating my position and justification on the issue and fully respect and support any colleague who had a different point of view, all the while, remaining flexible and open.””
David McGowan
”I am not familiar with the municipal code, but as a council member I would be obligated to become familiar with it. I would follow the guidelines of the code, but if those guidelines appeared to be improper, overbearing or obsolete, I would initiate action for their review and potential updating.””
Betty Lin Peterson
”Yes, I am familiar with Palos Verdes Estates Municipal Code. Yes, I am familiar the “Purchasing Systems” in the PVEMC 3.24. And, of course, I follow and will continue to follow the guidelines of the code.””