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Election Process
Question: What changes, if any would you advocate for improving the PVHA Director Election process?
Marlene Breene
“MARLENE BREENE (incumbent)
”Reducing quorum is #1 on the list. Second would be reducing the signature requirement. The actual ballot mailing and counting is currently being updated, with the possibility of electronic voting in 2021. Having the election managed by an independent outside organization provides accountability. My pie in the sky wish would be to move the annual meeting and election timing so ballots would go out starting in January, when residents have finished with the holidays and have time to think about fresh starts in the new year. This is an item that would require a change in the by-laws and is very difficult to do with the number of member votes required. It may be folded in with any future effort to update by-laws.””
Gayne Brenneman
”The PVHA needs to vigorously seek homeowner involvement and actively pursue a variety of new candidates similar to the City’s committee process. I support the staggered election process (3 elected in one year and 2 elected the following year), and term limits.””
W. Richard Fay
“DICK FAY (incumbent)
”We are somewhat bound by the By-Laws and by the recent court settlement. In the future I would like to make it easier for candidates and incumbents to get on the ballot, ie fewer than 100 signatures, maybe 25. Ideally the annual meeting would be moved away from early January as I think the holiday period impacts voting. We have a new firm counting the ballots this year and in the future they can handle voting by computer etc. which would be good.””
John Harbison
”We need to reform the Election Process in order to have Board Members duly elected. None of the current Board members have ever been elected, which signifies a broken process. Lowering the quorum is the most important reform (covered in another question), but there are other reforms that could be implemented which I would support. For instance:
• Implement an online voting option, with appropriate safeguards to insure validity
• Promote a drop box in City Hall for when the PVHA office is closed (particularly during the holiday break)
• Accept ballots at the Annual Meeting (which was allowed in the past)
• Reduce the number of signatures required of candidates from 100 to 25 (the current threshold for City Council candidates)
• Do three ballot mailings (which was done in the past) and start the process with the first mailing no later than early November. In some recent years they did not go out until Thanksgiving or later and were limited to one mailing. The late mailings can get lost in the holiday mail and result in a failed quorum.
• As a board, advocate lowering the quorum to 25%”
L Ried Schott
• Explore other ways to make it easier for our members to vote, such as secured electronic and online voting, honoring proxies and accepting ballots and proxies at the annual meeting.
• Lower the quorum to at least 35% and possibly lower, e.g. to 30% if reached after two mailings.
• If the quorum is not achieved, the ballots should still be counted and the Candidates should agree in advance to honor the results of the votes. Sitting Directors should agree not to void the election and simply self-appoint themselves year after year – as they have for many years.
• Obtain competitive bids for the mailing service. Previously, past incumbents approved using a service that was twice as expensive as other equally good services.
• The requirements to have a members’ name on the ballot were increased from none to 100 by past incumbents a few years ago, and waived for the incumbents. This amount should be reduced to 25 to make it the same as for City Council candidates. Further, it should be required only once every 3 years, not every year.
• There should be term limits required, decided by members on a ballot, of either two (2) or three (3) three-year terms.
• Having the election process at some other time other than near the end of the year could help increase voting turnout, if revisions could be made to the Bylaws.””
Charles Tang
“CHARLES TANG (incumbent)
”PVHA Directors serve on the Board without compensation because they care about their community and are willing to be fair and objective in their role. Having elections is the way we, as residents, can ensure that the PVHA Directors are held accountable to the homeowners of PVHA. As a PVHA Director, I would solicit PVHA members to provide me with feedback on my job performance. In addition, I would advocate for some town hall meetings so the PVHA Directors could more directly interact with the homeowners.””