Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education
— Franklin D. Roosevelt

Municipal Election to Elect Two City Council Members will be held November 5, 2024

Two of our current Council Members (Dawn Murdock and Jim Roos), will be completing their 4-year terms and have decided not to run again. We thank them for their service. To fill those two positions, there are three candidates (in alphabetical order):

  • Derek Lazzaro

  • Desiree Myers

  • Craig Quinn

Martin Peterson is the sole candidate running for City Treasurer.

To help voters be more informed, PVrrg assembled information on the issues and candidates for your consideration:

  • Statements from each Candidate describing why they’d like you to consider voting for them (as well as photo, bio and link to their website) — click here

  • Written Responses from each candidate to specific questions about recent issues that have been controversial — click here

  • Campaign funding disclosuresclick here

  • Candidate flyers/mailers/ads — click here

  • Here is a Video of the PVE City Council Candidate Forum held on September 24th at La Venta Inn. The event was co-hosted by Co-hosted by: League of Women Voters of Palos Verdes Peninsula, AAUW Palos Verdes Peninsula, and Palos Verdes Peninsula Chamber of Commerce:

We are committed to informing the residents of Palos Verdes about local issues of interest. We are a non-partisan group of residents wishing to help improve our Community
(click here for the names of our Steering Committee)

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PVrrg Policy on Neutrality during Elections

The primary purpose of PVrrg is to provide PVE residents and members of our PVE City Government with factual information on local issues.

PVrrg’s policy during any election is to remain neutral or impartial. As an organization, PVrrg will not endorse or advocate for any candidates. However, individual members of PVrrg are free to exercise their First Amendment right to support any candidate as individuals.

During elections for City Council or the PVHA Board, PVrrg assembles information by

  • Obtaining information directly from the candidates for our website

  • Conducting public candidate forums during election campaigns and posting videos of those forums on our website

To ensure no one has an advantage, all communications between PVrrg and the candidates will be the same. All submissions collected from the candidates will be kept confidential until the publication date. Their unedited and complete submissions (adhering to word count limitations) will be posted on the website at the same time without exception. 

This website also has historical information on the following topics/issues:

Please sign our Petition to PVE City Council on Balancing Spending to Revenue

click here

Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty
— Thomas Jefferson


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